8 Road Trip Mistakes To Avoid Making

Everyone loves a good road trip with their friends; however, there are some road tip mistakes that people have made that can turn a fun time into a nightmare.

No worries though!

As long as you come better prepared, your road trip will be smooth cruising!  

Here are eight road trip mistakes to avoid making!

Not having an emergency fund

I know this can be a hinderance when you go on a road trip to have fun; however, I always advise having some kind of “cushion” or having some kind of emergency fund JUST IN CASE something goes wrong.

Whether something happens to your vehicle or if anyone were to get hurt (which hopefully never becomes the case).

Stuff like this happens. It’s better to be prepared than to get hit with a huge bill out of the blue, especially when all your trying to do is have fun!

Take care of any vehicle repairs

If you’re going to go on a road trip, you’ll obviously want your vehicle in working condition.

That means oil change, tire rotation, brake checks, everything.

And if you drive something less reliable, see if you can borrow someone’s vehicle because I have heard some horror stories about people getting stranded in the middle of a state for their vehicle breaking down.

Just like I talked about with the emergency fund, stuff like a vehicle breaking down can happen so out of the blue.

Please make sure to take care of any vehicle repairs so that you and others can have a safe travel!

Pack clothes for all types of weather

I don’t care what your weather app says, bring clothes for all types of weather. You never know what you’ll run into on your road trips.

Not saying you have to bring five pairs of jeans in the hot weather of Texas, but at least bring a few pair of pants just in case you go somewhere cold.

Bring some clothes for hiking purposes and comfortable shoes because the air changes temperature the more you hike up a hill, thus getting colder anyways.

Places like Colorado and Washington run into a lot of weather changes where it can be clear skies for a little bit and then raining the next, so again, the weather can be unpredictable.

It’s just safe to pack clothes for all types of weather to avoid these issues.

Have some sort of game plan

This doesn’t mean plan out every single detail of your road trip, since what’s the fun in exploring the unknown?

However, it’s good to have some sort of game plan when you are out and about on the road.

So that can mean making sure you reach your destination at a certain time.

After all, you wouldn’t want to be sleeping in a cramped vehicle, would you?

If you find yourself having a lot of free time on your road trip, of course, feel free to explore around, but don’t explore too much where you find yourself off course with your objective.

Bring a portable charger

My husband makes this mistake too many times…

Sometimes we just forget to charge our phones in the vehicle.

Or sometimes, we use too much power and suddenly find ourselves having to put our phones on low battery mode to make the phone last.

That one I’m guilty of…

Bring a portable charger just in case.

Utilize travel size products

I will admit, for a while I would just bring whatever I was using at home since it was convenient and plus, why would I want to spend more money on something I already have?

However, utilizing travel size products will help you create space in your luggage because having a tote bag of beauty products can just be plain annoying and take up more space in your already limited area!

You can just as easily get the empty containers of travel size products to put your own products in since I know it’s not possible to find your own products in travel size form.

So, let’s actually utilize the travel products because it will make your life well more organized.

Bring comfortable clothing

Same concept as packing for all weather conditions, except you’re also keeping in mind of the things you’ll be doing on your road trip.

It’s importable to bring comfortable clothing because coming from experience, I’ve made too many silly choices to hike in sandals and completely forget to bring my hiking shoes.

Even if you are staying somewhere, like a hotel or an Airbnb, bring comfortable clothing or shoes on your night out or on your other adventures because you never know how you will feel in the moment later on.

Also, to the ladies out there, bring extra undergarments especially if you’ll be on your road trip during your time of the month.

Enough said…

Be aware of toll booths

Toll booths can be great if you want a shorter route; however, sometimes they are a pain because of traffic and just the fact that you’ll be spending more money on something just to drive through.

It’s important to be aware of toll booths, especially when you start to drive at night, because my husband has been the victim to too many toll booth tickets without realizing he was even going through them.

This can easily be avoid using the GPS on your phone app since you can get your route to avoid toll booths, but just be aware and prepared if you run into any of them.

Keep in mind that this could make the route to your destination longer.

I’m a digital nomad who lives the RV lifestyle full-time with my husband! I give advice on the nomadic lifestyle and take you along on my adventures!


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